Saturday, December 21, 2024

Nitendo wii wbfs kodlari – wii game wbfs id codes list

RJ2E = 007: Quantum Of Solace

RJ2P = 007: Quantum Of Solace
RZ9E = 30 Great Games
RTOJ = 428: Fuusa Sareta Shibuya De
R33E = AC/DC Live: Rock Band Track Pack
R33P = AC/DC Live: Rock Band Track Pack
RGYP = Action Girls Racing
RGYE = Action Girlz Racing
RFAE = Active Life Outdoor Challenge
RQTE = Agatha Christie
RQTP = Agatha Christie
RQEE = Agatha Christie: Evil Under The Sun
RQEP = Agatha Christie: Evil Under The Sun
R3HP = Agent Hugo Hula Holiday
RHGP = Agent Hugo Lemoon Twist
RHPJ = Akko De Pon! Ikasama Hourouki
RDGJ = Akumajou Dracula Judgment
RLSE = Alien Syndrome
RLSP = Alien Syndrome
RCXP = All Star Cheer Leader
RCXE = All Star Cheer Squad
RRKE = Alone In The Dark
RRKP = Alone In The Dark
RVBP = Alvin And The Chipmonks
RVBE = Alvin And The Chipmunks
RIEP = American Idol Encore
RMFE = AMF Bowling Pinbusters!
R6WE = AMF Bowling World Lanes
R6WP = AMF Bowling World Lanes
RUUE = Animal Crossing: City Folk
RUUP = Animal Crossing: Let’s Go to the City
RGPJ = Anime Slot Revolution Pachi-slot Kidou S
RI3P = Ant Bully
RNVE = Anubis 2
RNVP = Anubis II
RP9E = Apace Chimps
RT2E = Arctic Tale
RT2P = Arctic Tale
R5GE = Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader
RYGJ = Argus No Senshi Muscle Impact
RKYE = Army Men: Soldiers Of Misfortune
RKYP = Army Men: Soldiers Of Misfortune
RQXP = Asterix At The Olympic Games
RV9E = Avatar: Into The Inferno
RVAE = Avatar: The Burning Earth
RVAP = Avatar: The Burning Earth
RLVE = Avatar: The Last Airbender
RLVP = Avatar: The Last Airbender
RV9P = Avatar: The Last Airbender Into The Infer
RXBP = Backyard Baseball
RB8E = Backyard Baseball 09
RXBE = Backyard Baseball 10
RFTE = Backyard Football
RFTP = Backyard Football
RQQE = Backyard Football ’09
RJCE = Baja 1000
RB2P = Balloon Pop
RB2E = Balloon Pops
RBFE = Balls Of Fury
RBFP = Balls Of Fury
RRCE = Barbie Horse Adventures: Riding Camp
RBVE = Barbie: The Island Princess
RBVP = Barbie: The Island Princess
RBYE = Barnyard
RBYJ = Barnyard
RBYP = Barnyard
RM6E = Baroque
RM6J = Baroque
RM6P = Baroque
ROQJ = Baroque For Wii
RHKJ = Barrel Blast
RBWP = Batallion Wars 2
RBWE = Battalion Wars 2
RHCE = Battle For The Pacific
RHCP = Battle For The Pacific
RHXE = Battle Of The Bands
RHXP = Battle Of The Bands
RRVE = Battle Rage: Mech Conflict
RRVP = Battle Rage: Mech Conflict
RBEE = Bee Movie Game
RBEP = Bee Movie Game
RBNE = Ben 10 – Protector Of Earth
RBNP = Ben 10 – Protector Of Earth
RBNX = Ben 10 – Protector Of Earth
RWTE = Ben 10 Alien Force
RWTP = Ben 10 Alien Force
RVVE = Big Beach Sports
RVVP = Big Beach Sports
RYWP = Big Brain Academy Wii Degree
RYWE = Big Brain: Academy
RXPP = Big Catch Bass Fishing
RLQE = Big League Sports
RLQP = Big League Sports
RVFE = Bigfoot Collision Course
RBZE = Billy The Wizard
RBZP = Billy The Wizard
RE4J = Biohazard
RBHE = Biohazard 0
RBHJ = Biohazard 0
RB4J = Biohazard 4 Wii Edition
RBUJ = Biohazard The Umbrella Chronicles
RBHP = Biohazard Zero
RVIE = Bionicle Heroes
RVIP = Bionicle Heroes
RBRE = Blast Works
RBRP = Blast Works
RBAE = Blazing Angels Squadron Of WWII
RBAP = Blazing Angels Squadrons Of WWII
RBLP = Bleach Battered Blade
RBLE = Bleach Shattered Blade
RBLJ = Bleach Wii Shattered Blade
RBXJ = Bleach: Versus Crusade
R6BJ = Blob Colorful Na Kibou
RRTP = Block Party 20 Games
RRTE = Block Party: 20 Games
RP4J = Boku To Sim No Machi Party
RBIJ = Bokujou Monogatari Waku Waku Animal Marc
RLUE = Bolt
RLUP = Bolt
RB6J = Bomberman
RBBE = Bomberman Land
RBBP = Bomberman Land
RBBJ = Bomberman Land Wii
RBOE = Boogie
RBOP = Boogie
RG6P = Boogie Superstar
RBKE = Boom Blox
RBKP = Boom Blox
RMFP = Bowling Pinbusters
RRLE = Bratz Girlzs Really Rock
RKGE = Bratz Kidz
RKGP = Bratz Kidz Party
RB9E = Bratz The Movie
RB9P = Bratz The Movie
RSJE = Broken Sword: The Shadow Of The Templars
RSJP = Broken Sword: The Shadow Of The Templars
RI8E = Brothers In Arms Double Time
RB5E = Brothers In Arms Earned In Blood
RI8P = Brothers In Arms: Road To Hill 30
RBPE = Brunswick Pro Bowling
RBPP = Brunswick Pro Bowling
RR4P = Build A Bear Workshop
RR4E = Build A Bear Workshop: A Friend Fur All Seasons
RB7E = Bully: Scholarship Edition
RB7P = Bully: Scholarship Edition
RBME = Bust A Move
RBMP = Bust A Move
RCBE = Cabela’s Big Game Hunter
RCBP = Cabela’s Big Game Hunter
RXZE = Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts 2009
RXZP = Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts 2009
RCUP = Cabela’s Legendary Adventures
RCUE = Cabela’s Legenday Adventures
RQPE = Cabela’s Trophy Bucks
RQPP = Cabela’s Trophy Bucks
R72E = Cake Mania: In The Mix
R72P = Cake Mania: In The Mix
RCDE = Call Of Duty 3
RCDP = Call Of Duty 3
RVYE = Call Of Duty: World At War
RVYP = Call Of Duty: World At War
RVNE = Calvin Tucker’s Redneck Jamboree
RVNP = Calvin Tucker’s Redneck Jamboree
RKQE = Candace Kanes Candy Factory
R7CE = Captain Rainbow
R7CJ = Captain Rainbow
R7CP = Captain Rainbow
REKP = Cardio Workout
RCGE = Carnival Games
RCGP = Carnival Games
RG9E = Carnival Games Mini Golf
RG9P = Carnival Games Mini Golf
RCAE = Cars
RCAJ = Cars
RCAP = Cars
RC2P = Cars Maternational
RC2E = Cars: Mater National
RCOP = Case Closed: The Mirapolis Investigation
RS4P = Castle Of Shikigami 3
RS4E = Castle Of Shikigami III
RDGE = Castlevania Judgment
RDGP = Castlevania Judgment
RKEE = Cate West: The Vanishing Files
RKEP = Cate West: The Vanishing Files
REAE = Celebrity Sports Showdown
REAP = Celebrity Sports Showdown
RSYE = Championship Boxing
R4BE = Championship Foosball
R29E = Championship Paintball 2009
RCYP = Cheggers Party Quiz
RCLE = Chicken Little Ace In Action
RCLP = Chicken Little Ace In Action
RCSE = Chicken Shoot
RCSP = Chicken Shoot
RCQJ = Choro Q
R3CE = Chrysler – Classic Racing
R3CP = Chrysler – Classic Racing
RQKE = Circus Games
RBQE = Classic British Motor Racing
RBQP = Classic Butish Motor Racing 8
RF7P = Cocksmoker Deluxe
ROCE = Cocoto Kart Racer
RMRE = Cocoto Magic Circus
RMRP = Cocoto Magic Circus
RLKE = Code Lyoko: Quest For Infinity
RLKP = Code Lyoko: Quest For Infinity
RCCJ = Cooking Mama
RCCP = Cooking Mama
R2QJ = Cooking Mama 2 Taihen Mama Wa Ooisogashi
RCCE = Cooking Mama: Cook Off
RWKE = Cooking Mama: World Kitchen
RWKP = Cooking Mama: World Kitchen
RKLE = Coraline
RKLP = Coraline
RCFE = Cosmic Family
RCFP = Cosmic Family
RCTE = Counter Force
RCTP = Counter Force
RQJE = Crash Of The Titans
RQJP = Crash Of The Titans
RC8E = Crash: Mind Over Mutant
RC8P = Crash: Mind Over Mutant
RZUE = Crayola Colorful Journey
RC4J = Crayon Shin-chan Saikyou Kazoku Kasukabe
RQ2J = Crazy Climber Wii
RGKE = Crazy Golf
RGKP = Crazy Golf
RCRE = Cruis’n
RCRP = Cruis’n
RCIE = CSI: Hard Evidence
RCIP = CSI: Hard Evidence
RSBJ = Dairantou Smash Brothers X
RD4J = Dance Dance Revolution: Furu Furu Party
RDDE = Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party
RDDJ = Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party
RDDP = Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party
RD4E = Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party 2
RD4P = Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party 2
RW6P = Dance Dance Revolution: Winx
RD8E = Dancing With The Stars
RD8P = Dancing With The Stars
R82J = Darts Wii DX
RXCE = Dave Mirra BMX Challenge
RXCP = Dave Mirra BMX Challenge
R6BE = de Blob
R6BP = de Blob
R6BX = de Blob
RINE = Dead Rising: Chop ’till You Drop
RINP = Dead Rising: Chop ’till You Drop
RDCE = Deadly Creatures
RDCP = Deadly Creatures
RLAE = Deal Or No Deal
RLAP = Deal Or No Deal
RDJE = Death Jr: Root Of Evil
RDJP = Death Jr: Root Of Evil
RDXE = Decs Sport
RDXP = Dee Sports
R3VE = Deep Drive
R3VP = Deer Drive
RLZE = Defendin’ De Penguin
RLZP = Defendin’ De Penguin
RXRP = Desperaux
RDHE = Destroy All Humans
RDHP = Destroy All Humans
RDRE = Dewy’s Adventure
RDRJ = Dewy’s Adventure
RDRP = Dewy’s Adventure
RDZP = Disaster: Day Of Crisis
RPSP = Disney Princess Enchanted Journey
RPSE = Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey
RUIX = Disney Sing It
REYE = Disney Sing It High School Musical 3 Senior Year
RXDP = Disney Think Fast
RXDJ = Disney Think Haya Oshi Quiz
RUIE = Disney: Sing It
RXDE = Disney’s Think Fast
RI9P = Diva Girls: Princess On Ice
R5NJ = Doala De Wii
RDOJ = Dog To Mahou No Boushi
R2DE = Dokapon Kingdom
R2DP = Dokapon Kingdom
R2DJ = Dokapon Kingdom For Wii
R2KE = Don King Boxing
R2KP = Don King Boxing
RDKE = Donkey Kong Barrel Blast
RDKP = Donkey Kong Jungel Beat
R49J = Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
RDPE = Dora & The Snow Princess
RDPP = Dora & The Snow Princess
REMJ = Doraemon
RD6J = Doubutu Kisoutengai
RDBE = Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
RDBP = Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
RDSE = Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
RDSP = Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
RDSJ = Dragon Ball Z: Sparking! METEOR
RDBJ = Dragon Ball Z: Sparking! NEO
RDWE = Dragon Blade: Wrath Of Fire
RDWJ = Dragon Blade: Wrath Of Fire
RDWP = Dragon Blade: Wrath Of Fire
RDQP = Dragon Quest Swords
RDQE = Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen
RDQJ = Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen
R3DE = Dream Pinball
R3DP = Dream Pinball
RDVE = Driver: Parallel Lines
RDVP = Driver: Parallel Lines
RPXP = EA Playground
RELE = Elebits
RELJ = Elebits
RELP = Eledees
REHE = Emergency Heroes
REHP = Emergency Heroes
REGE = Emergency Mayhem
REGP = Emergency Mayhem
RFBE = Endless Ocean
RFBP = Endless Ocean
RETJ = Ennichi No Tatsujin
RN9E = Escape From Bug Island
RN9P = Escape From Bug Island
REXE = Excite Truck
REXP = Excite Truck
RX3E = ExciteBots: Trick Racing
RLNH = Expeditie Robinson
RFQE = Facebreaker: K.O. Party
RFQP = Facebreaker: K.O. Party
RFJJ = Family Jockey
RZ9P = Family Party – 30 Great Games
RSQJ = Family Ski
RSQP = Family Ski
RYKP = Family Ski & Snowboard
RYKJ = Family Ski World Ski And Snow Board
RFAJ = Family Trainer: Athletic World
RF2E = Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surf
RCVE = Far Cry Vengeance
RCVP = Far Cry Vengeance
RF3E = Ferrari Challenge
RF3P = Ferrari Challenge
RF8E = Fifa 08
RF8P = Fifa 08
RF9P = Fifa 09
RF9E = Fifa Soccer 09: All-Play
RFFE = Final Fantasy – Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time
RFFJ = Final Fantasy – Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time
RFFP = Final Fantasy – Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time
R7FE = Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo’s Dungeon
R7FP = Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo’s Dungeon
RFEE = Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
RFEP = Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
RTRE = Fishing Master
RTRP = Fishing Master
RTLE = Fishing Master: World Tour
RTLP = Fishing Master: World Tour
R2GJ = Fragile: Sayonara Tsuki No Haikyo
R2FE = Freddi Fish Kelp Seed Mystery
REZP = Fritz Chess
RQKP = Fun Fair Party
RFRJ = Furu Furu Park
RFRP = Furu Furu Park
RFRE = Furu Furu: Park
R8GP = G1 Jockey
RGIJ = G1 Jockey Wii
R8GJ = G1 Jockey Wii 2008
RGXE = Game Party
RGXP = Game Party
RV2P = Game Party 2
RV2E = Game Party 2: Tournament
RGGJ = Gegege No Kitarou Youkai Daiundoukai
RGLE = Geomerty Wars Galaxies
RGLP = Geometry Wars Galaxies
RGJE = George Of The Jungle
RGJP = George Of The Jungle Search For The Secr
RGSE = Ghost Squad
RGSJ = Ghost Squad
RGSP = Ghost Squad
RIGE = Gi Diego Go Great Dinosaur Rescue
RHJJ = Ginsei Table Games Wii
RGNJ = Gintama Banji Oku Chuubu
REQP = Go Diego Go Safari Rescue
REQE = Go Diego Go: Safari Rescue
RDMJ = Go! Go! Minon
RGZE = Godzilla Unleashed
RGZP = Godzilla Unleashed
REKE = Gold’s Gym: Cardio Workout
RUGP = Goosebumps Horrorland
RUGE = Goosebumps: Horrorland
RQSP = Gottlieb Pinball Classics
RHEE = Gravity
RHEP = Gravity
RXLE = Grey’s Anatomy
RXLP = Grey’s Anatomy
RGTE = GT Pro Series
RGTJ = GT Pro Series
RGTP = GT Pro Series
R62P = Guilty Gear XX
RG2P = Guilty Gear XX
RG2E = Guilty Gear XX Accent Core
RG2J = Guilty Gear XX Core
RG5E = Guinness World Records
RG5P = Guinness World Records
RGHE = Guitar Hero III Legends Of Rock
RGHJ = Guitar Hero III Legends Of Rock
RGHP = Guitar Hero III Legends Of Rock
RGVE = Guitar Hero: Aerosmith
RGVJ = Guitar Hero: Aerosmith
RGVP = Guitar Hero: Aerosmith
SXBE = Guitar Hero: Metallica
SXBP = Guitar Hero: Metallica
SXAE = Guitar Hero: World Tour
SXAP = Guitar Hero: World Tour
RHIJ = Hajime No Ippo Revolution
RH4X = Hamster Heroes
RHUX = Hamster Heroes
RHQE = Hannah Montana: Spotlight World Tour
RHQP = Hannah Montana: Spotlight World Tour
R8HE = Hannah Montana: The Movie
R8HP = Hannah Montana: The Movie
ROHJ = Happy Dance Collection
RHFE = Happy Feet
RHFP = Happy Feet
R5PE = Harry Potter And The Order Of Pheonix
R5PJ = Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoeni
R5PP = Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix
R5PX = Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix
RHMP = Harvest Moon
R84E = Harvest Moon: Tree Of Tranquility
RGBE = Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law
RGBP = Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law
RRME = Hasbro: Family Game Night
RRMP = Hasbro: Family Game Night
RRMX = Hasbro: Family Game Night
RHSE = Heatseeker
RHSP = Heatseeker
RKKE = Heavenly
RKKP = Heavenly Guardian
RH2E = Hells Kitchen
RH2P = Hells Kitchen
RH3P = High School 3 Senior Year Dance
RH3E = High School Musical 3
RH3J = High School Musical 3 Senior Year Dance
RI2P = High School Musical Sing It
RXPE = Hooked!: Real Motion Fishing
RH5P = Horselife
RHWP = Hot Wheels Beat That
RHWE = Hot Wheels: Beat That !
ROEE = Hotel For Dogs
RHOP = House Of The Dead: Overkill
R2LJ = Hula Wii: Minna De Fura Oodorou
RIHE = Hulk The Incredible
R2AE = Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
R2AP = Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
RKIP = Ice Hockey
RIBP = Igor
RIBE = Igor The Game
RGFP = Il Padrino
RILJ = Illust Logic + Colorful Logic
RYVJ = Illvelo Wii
RFZE = Imagine Fashion Party
RFZP = Imagine Fashion Party
RIME = Impossible Mission
RIMP = Impossible Mission
RLIE = Indiana Jones: The Original Adventure
RIZE = Indianapolis 500 Legends
RIZP = Indianapolis 500 Legends
RQRJ = Innocent Aces (The Sky Crawlers)
RIRE = Iron Man
RIRP = Iron Man
RI6E = Island Party: Summer Sports 2
RI6P = Island Party: Summer Sports 2
RJWJ = Jawa mammoth And A Secret Stone
RJ3E = Jeep Thrills
RJ3P = Jeep Thrills
R7BP = Jelly Belly Ballistic Beans
RJEE = Jenga
RJEP = Jenga World Tour
RJ4P = Jewel Master Cradle Of Rome
RJ4E = Jewel Quest Cradle Of Rome
RKWJ = Jigsaw Puzzle Kyo-no Wan Ko
R3FJ = Jikkyou Powerful Major League 3
RX8J = Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Next
RJFE = Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2009
RJFP = Jillian Michael’s Fitness Ultimatum 2009
RXJJ = Jinsei Game Wii EX
RH7J = Jissen Pachislot Hisshouhou! Sammy’s Col
RHKP = Job Island
RJME = Jumper
RJMP = Jumper
RKBE = Kabookii
RKBP = Kabookii
RKNJ = Kanken Wii Kanken Wii Kanjiou Ketteisen
RIEE = Karaoke Revolution: American Idol Encor
RHRJ = Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn! Dream Hyper
RE8J = Katekyoo Hitman Reborn Kindan No Yami No
RQBE = Kawasaki Quad Bikes
RQBP = Kawasaki Quad Bikes
RWBE = Kawasaki Snowmobiles
RJSE = Kawasaki: Jet Ski
RJSP = Kawasaki: Jet Ski
RK4J = Kekkaishi
RKIE = Kids Sports: Ice Hockey
RKSP = Kidz Sports Basketball
RKTX = Kidz Sports International Football
R6VE = King Of Clubs
R6VP = King Of Clubs
RKFP = King Of Fighters Collection: The Orochi Saga
R96J = Klonoa: Door To Phantomile
RLNF = Koh-lanta
RCPJ = Kororinpa
RCPP = Kororinpa
RK6P = Kororinpa
RCPE = Kororinpa: Marble Mania
RK6E = Kororinpa: Marble Saga
R5MJ = Kotoba No Puzzle Mojipittan Wii Deluxe
RKHE = Kung Fu Panda
RKPE = Kung Fu Panda
RKPP = Kung Fu Panda
RSZP = Legend Of Sayuki
RLDE = Legend Of The Dragon
RLBP = Lego Batman The Videogame
RLBE = Lego Batman: The Video Game
RLIP = Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
RLGE = Lego Star Wars
RLGP = Lego Star Wars Complete Saga
RLGJ = Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga
R2UJ = Lets Tap
RLJE = Line Rider 2: Unbound
RZPE = Link’s Crossbow Training
RZPP = Link’s Crossbow Training
RLHE = Little League: World Series Baseball 2008
RLHP = Little League: World Series Baseball 2008
RLPE = Littlest Pet Shop
RLTE = London Taxi: Rush Hour
RLTP = London Taxi: Rush Hour
RLYE = Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal
RLYP = Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal
RKZE = Lost In Blue: Shipwrecked
RKZP = Lost In Blue: Shipwrecked
RL3P = Luxo3
RLXE = Luxor
RL3E = Luxor 3
RLXP = Luxor Pharaos Challenge
R2ME = M&M’s Adventure
RXWE = M&M’s Beach Party
RMWE = M&M’s Kart Racing
RMWP = M&M’s Kart Racing
RRGE = Madagascar 2
RFLE = Madden 09
RNFP = Madden NFL 08
RFLP = Madden NFL 09 All Play
RZZE = Madworld
RZZP = Madworld
RRGP = Magagascar 2 Escape 2 Africa
RMJJ = Mah-jong Rally Wii
RK8P = Major League Baseball 2k8
R9ZE = Major League Baseball 2k9
R9ZP = Major League Baseball 2k9
R4NP = Major Minors Majestic March
R4NE = Major Minor’s Majestic March
RXEJ = Major Wii Perfect Closer
RHTE = Manhunt 2
RHTP = Manhunt 2
RMIE = Margots Word Brain
RWSE = Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games
RWSP = Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games
RMCE = Mario Kart Wii
RMCJ = Mario Kart Wii
RMCP = Mario Kart Wii
RM8E = Mario Party 8
RM8P = Mario Party 8
RMAE = Mario Power Tennis
RMAP = Mario Power Tennis
R4QE = Mario Strikers Charged
R4QP = Mario Strikers Charged Football
RMBE = Mario Super Sluggers
RMBP = Mario Super Sluggers
RMAJ = Mario Tennis
RMUE = Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
RMUJ = Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
RMUP = Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
RMVX = Medal Of Honor: Avant-garde
RM2E = Medal Of Honor: Heroes 2
RM2P = Medal Of Honor: Heroes 2
RM2J = Medal Of Honor: Heroes2
RMVE = Medal Of Honor: Vanguard
RRSE = Meet The Robinsons
RRSP = Meet The Robinsons
RMME = Mercury Meltdown Revolution
RMMP = Mercury Meltdown Revolution
RVGE = Merv Griffins Crosswords
RVGP = Merv Griffins Crosswords
RMLE = Metal Slug Anthology
RMLP = Metal Slug Anthology
R3IJ = Metroid Prime (Wii De Asobu)
RM3E = Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
RM3J = Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
RM3P = Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
RTRJ = Mezase Tsuri Master
RTLJ = Mezase Tsuri Master Sekai Ni Challenge H
RXMJ = Miburi & Teburi
RKAJ = Milestone Shooting Collection
RCEE = Mini Desktop Racing
RCEP = Mini Desktop Racing
RGCE = Minicopter: Adventure Flight
RGCP = Minicopter: Adventure Flight
RK8E = MLB 2K8
RMPE = MLB Power Pros 2008
RMPP = MLB Power Pros 2008
R4SE = MLB Superstars
R79J = Mobilesuit Gundam MS-front0079
RMTJ = Momotarou Dentetsu 16
RFVP = Monkey Mischief
RWOE = Monopoly
RWOJ = Monopoly
RWOP = Monopoly
RMOE = Monster
RM4J = Monster 4X4
RM4P = Monster 4×4: World Circuit
RMOP = Monster Jam
RUAE = Monster Jam: Urban Assault
RM7E = Monster Lab
RM7P = Monster Lab
RRXE = Monster Trux Arena
RRXP = Monster Trux Arenas
RTQP = Monster Trux Offroad
RVZE = Monsters VS Aliens
RVZP = Monsters VS Aliens
RKME = Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
RKMP = Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
R5SE = Mortimer Beckett: Spooky Manor
RQ8P = Moto GP
RQ8E = Moto GP 08
RVQE = Movie Games
RVQP = Movie Studios Party
REBP = Mr Bean
RM9P = Mushroom Men
RM9E = Mushroom Men The Spore Wars
RMXP = MX VS ATV Untamed
RJDP = My Animal Centre
RFKE = My Fitness Coach
RFKJ = My Fitness Coach
RFKP = My Fitness Coach
RHNE = My Horse & Me
RHNP = My Horse And Me
RMNP = My Pet Hotel
RSIE = My Sims
RP4E = My Sims Party
RZYE = My Word Coach
RSIP = Mysims
RP4P = Mysims Party
RSHE = Mysims: Kingdom
RSHP = Mysims: Kingdom
RMYE = Myth Makers: Super Kart GP
RMZE = Myth Makers: Trixie In Toyland
RN5E = Naked Brothers Band
RNWJ = Namco Carnival
RN2E = Namco Museum Remix
RN2P = Namco Museum Remix
RNNE = Narnia: Prince Caspian
RNNP = Narnia: Prince Caspian
RNXP = Naruto Clash Of Ninja Revolution
RNXJ = Naruto Shippuuden Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX
RNYJ = Naruto Shippuuden Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX 2
RNEJ = Naruto Shippuuden Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX 3
RNXE = Naruto: Clash Of Ninja Revolution
RNYE = Naruto: Clash Of Ninja Revolution 2
RNYP = Naruto: Clash Of Ninja Revolution 2
R2NE = Nascar Kart Racing
R2NP = Nascar Kart Racing
RNBE = NBA Live 08
RNBP = NBA Live 08
RQ9P = NBA Live 09
RQ9E = NBA Live 09 All-play
RNAE = NCAA Football 09
RN9J = Necro-nesia
RNSE = Need For Speed: Carbon
RNSJ = Need For Speed: Carbon
RNSP = Need For Speed: Carbon
RNPE = Need For Speed: Pro Street
RNPP = Need For Speed: Prostreet
RX9E = Need For Speed: Undercover
RX9J = Need For Speed: Undercover
RX9P = Need For Speed: Undercover
RX9X = Need For Speed: Undercover
RNGJ = Negima!? Neo Pactio Fight!!
RN7E = Neighborhood Games
R52E = Neopets Puzzle Adventure
RNKE = Nerf N-Strike
RNKP = Nerf N-Strike
RUNJ = New Unou Kids Wii EX
RNFE = NFL Madden 08
R7EE = Nights Journey Of Dreams
R7EJ = Nights Journey Of Dreams
RNZE = Ninja Reflex
RNZJ = Ninja Reflex
RNZP = Ninja Reflex
RNME = Ninjabread Man
RNMP = Ninjabread Man
RNRJ = Nitoro Bike
RNRE = Nitro Bike
RNRP = Nitro Bike
RNHE = No More Heroes
RNHJ = No More Heroes
RNHP = No More Heroes
RNDJ = Nodame Cantabile
RN6P = North American Hunting
RN6E = North American Hunting Extravaganza
R29P = NPPL Championship Paintball 2009
RC3J = Nyanko To Mahou No Boushi
RSFJ = Oboro Muramasa
ROBE = Obscure: The Aftermath
ROBP = Obscure: The Aftermath
RQME = Ocean Commander
RQMP = Ocean Commander
RO2E = Off Road
RO2P = Off Road
RXFE = Offshore Tycoon
ROWE = Okami
ROWP = Okami
RIPE = One Piece
RIPJ = One Piece Unlimited Adventure
RIPP = One Piece Unlimited Cruise
ROUJ = One Piece Unlimited Cruise Episode 1
RIUJ = One Piece Unlimited Cruise Episode 2 Mezameru Yuusha
RONJ = Onechanbara Revolution
RONE = Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers
RONP = Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers
ROPE = Open Season
RPOE = Opoona
RPOJ = Opoona
RPOP = Opoona
ROXE = Order Up
RJQE = Pajama Sam
RJQP = Pajama Sam In Don’t Fear The Dark
RPYP = Pangya Golf With Style
RPDP = PDC Championship Darts 2008
RCQE = Penny Racers Party Turbo-Q Speedway
RWEE = PES 2008
RWEP = PES 2008
R2WE = PES 2009
R2WP = PES 2009
RDOP = Pet Dogz 2
RYDE = Pet Pals: Animal Doctor
RYDP = Pet Pals: Animal Doctor
RGCJ = Petitcopter Wii Adventure Flight
RC3P = Pets Catz 2
RC3E = Petz Catz 2
RG8P = Petz Dogs Sport Playground
RDOE = Petz Dogz 2
RHZE = Petz Horsez 2
RHZP = Petz Horsez 2
RP6P = Petz Monkey Madness
R8VE = Petz Rescue: Wildlife Vet
RG8E = Petz Sports
R46J = Phantom Brave Wii
R9IE = Pikmin
R9IP = Pikmin
R92J = Pikmin 2
RPIE = Pimp My Ride
RPIP = Pimp My Ride
RWCE = Pinball: Hall Of Fame
RWCP = Pinball: Hall Of Fame
RP7E = Pirates Hunt For Blackbeard’s Booty
RP7P = Pirates Hunt For Blackbeard’s Booty
RW3P = Pirates Ninja Dodgeball
RW3E = Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End
RW3J = Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End
RPFP = Pitfall
RPFE = Pitfall: The Big Adventure
RPXE = Playground
RPBE = Pokemon Battle Revolution
RPBP = Pokemon Battle Revolution
RHLE = Poker: All In
RURP = Pool Hall Pro
RPQE = Pool Party
RPQP = Pool Party
RVPP = Pop Star Guitar
RVPE = Popstar Guitar
RPPE = Prince Of Persia Rival Swords
RPPP = Prince Of Persia Rival Swords
RP3J = Pro Golfer Saru
RYTE = Professional Bull Riders Out Of The Chute
R4ZJ = Project Zero 4
RPVE = Purr Pals
RPVP = Purr Pals
RPUJ = Puyo Puyo 15th Anniversary
RXYE = Puzzle Challenge Crosswords
RXYP = Puzzle Challenge Crosswords
RQWE = Puzzle Quest
RQWP = Puzzle Quest
RPCE = Puzzler Colection
RB2J = Rainbow Pop
RPGE = Rampage Total Destruction
RPGP = Rampage Total Destruction
RPLE = Rapala Tournament Fishing
RPLP = Rapala Tournament Fishing
RTBE = Rapala’s Fishing Frenzy
RTBP = Rapala’s Fishing Frenzy
RLWE = Ratatouille
RLWJ = Ratatouille
RRBE = Rayman Raving Rabbids
RRBJ = Rayman Raving Rabbids
RRBP = Rayman Raving Rabbids
RY2E = Rayman Raving Rabbids 2
RY2J = Rayman Raving Rabbids 2
RY2P = Rayman Raving Rabbids 2
RY3J = Rayman Raving Rabbids 3
RY3E = Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party
RY3P = Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party
RR5E = Ready 2 Rumble
RR5P = Ready 2 Rumble Revolution
RR7P = Real Madrid The Game
RVRE = Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk
RVRP = Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk
REDE = Red Steel
REDJ = Red Steel
REDP = Red Steel
RKOJ = Relaxuma Minna De Goyururi Seikatsu
RB4E = Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
RB4P = Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
RBUE = Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles
RBUP = Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles
RR2E = Rig Racer 2
RR2P = Rig Racer 2
RF2P = Rise Of The Silver Surfer
RKXE = Rock Band
SZAE = Rock Band 2
SZAP = Rock Band 2
RREE = Rock Band Track Pack Vol. 1
RRDE = Rock Band Track Pack Vol. 2
RRAE = Rock’N’roll Adventures
RRAP = Rock’N’Roll Adventures
RT3E = Rockstar: Table Tennis
RRYP = Rogue Trooper
RRZE = Rubik’s World
RRZP = Rubik’s World
RUFE = Rune Factory Frontier
RUFJ = Rune Factory Frontier
RUFP = Rune Factory Frontier
RYGP = Rygar
RYGE = Rygar: The Battle Of Argus
RQFE = Safecracker
RQFP = Safecracker
R3XE = Sam & Max: Season One
R3XP = Sam & Max: Season One
R3BE = Samba De Amigo
R3BJ = Samba De Amigo
R3BP = Samba De Amigo
RSSE = Samurai Shodown
RSSP = Samurai Shodown Anthology
RSSJ = Samurai Spirits Rokuban Shoubu
RS5E = Samurai Warriors: Katana
RS5P = Samurai Warriors: Katana
RSCP = Scarface
RSCE = Scarface: The World Is Yours
RSDJ = SD Gundam Scad Hammers
RC7E = Sea Monsters
RBTE = Sega Bass Fishing
RBTJ = Sega Bass Fishing
RBTP = Sega Bass Fishing
RT5E = Sega Superstars Tennis
RT5P = Sega Superstars Tennis
RBSJ = Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes
RS5J = Sengokumusou Katana
RS8J = Shanghai
REKJ = Shape Boxing Wii De Enjoy Diet
RTKJ = Sharuui Takoron
RDFP = Shaun White Snowboarding
RW7E = Shaun White Snowboarding
RW7P = Shaun White Snowboarding
RDFE = Shaun White Snowboarding – Road Trip
RS4J = Shikigami No Shiro III
RTDJ = Shin Chuuka Taisen
RSYP = Showtime Championship Boxing
RSKE = Shrek The Third
RSKP = Shrek The Third
RRQE = Shrek’s Carnival Craze Party Games
RRQP = Shrek’s Carnival Craze Party Games
R4AE = Sim Animals
R4AJ = Sim Animals
R4AP = Sim Animals
R4CE = Simcity Creator
R4CJ = Simcity Creator
R4CP = Simcity Creator
RZ8J = Simple 2000 Series Wii Vol.1 The Table Game
RZ9J = Simple 2000 Series Wii Vol.2 The Party Game
RZ2J = Simple Wii Series Vol.1 The Minna De Kart Race
RZ3J = Simple Wii Series Vol.2 The Minna de Bass Tsuri Taikai
RZ4J = Simple Wii Series Vol.3 The Party Casino
RZ5J = Simple Wii Series Vol.4 The Shooting Action
RZ6J = Simple Wii Series Vol.5 The Block Kuzushi
RZ7J = Simple Wii Vol The Wai Wai Combat
R42E = Sims 2: Castaway
R42P = Sims 2: Castaway
R4PE = Sims Pets 2
R6FE = Six Flags Fun Park
RHUE = Skate City Heroes
RHUP = Skate City Heroes
RVSE = Skate-It
RVSJ = Skate-It
RVSP = Skate-It
RUME = Ski And Shoot
RWWE = Smackdown VS Raw 2008
RWWP = Smackdown VS Raw 2008
RR9E = Smackdown VS Raw 2009
RR9P = Smackdown VS Raw 2009
RP2E = Smarty Pants
RP2P = Smarty Pants
RNCP = SNK Arcade Classics
RJZP = SNK Arcade Classics Volume 1
RNCE = SNK Arcade Classics Volume 1
RSOE = Solitaire Mahjong
RSOP = Solitare Mahjong
RENE = Sonic And The Black Knight
RENJ = Sonic And The Black Knight
RENP = Sonic And The Black Knight
RSRE = Sonic And The Secret Rings
RSRJ = Sonic And The Secret Rings
RSRP = Sonic And The Secret Rings
RS9J = Sonic Riders Shooting Star Story
RS9E = Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
RS9P = Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
RSVE = Sonic Unleashed
RSVP = Sonic Unleashed
RSVJ = Sonic World Adventure
RSEJ = Soul Eater Monotone Princess
RSLE = Soulcalibur: Legends
RSLJ = Soulcalibur: Legends
RSLP = Soulcalibur: Legends
RP9P = Space Chimps
R3PE = Speed Racer
R3PP = Speed Racer
RS3E = Spider-Man 3
RS3J = Spider-Man 3
RS3P = Spider-Man 3
RFOE = Spider-Man: Friend Or Foe
RFOP = Spider-Man: Friend Or Foe
R3SE = Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows
R3SP = Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows
RTCE = Splinter Cell: Double Agent
RTCP = Splinter Cell: Double Agent
RQ4E = Spongebob Squarepants: Creature From The Krusty Krab
RQ4J = Spongebob Squarepants: Creature From The Krusty Krab
RQ4P = Spongebob Squarepants: Creature From The Krusty Krab
RUSE = SpongeBob SquarePants: Globs Of Doom
RUSX = Spongebob Squarepants: Globs Of Doom
RN3J = Spongebob’s Atlantis Squarepantis
RSAE = Spongebob’s Atlantis Squarepantis
R5SP = Spooky Manor
RSPW = Sport Park For Revolution
RSUP = Sports Party
RYIE = Spray
RYIP = Spray
RDLP = Spy Fox In Dry Cereal
RECE = Spy Games: Elevator Mission
RECP = Spy Games: Elevator Mission
RO8P = Spyro
RO8E = Spyro: Dawn Of Dragon
RO7E = Spyro: The Eternal Night
RTJE = Star Trek: Conquest
RTJP = Star Trek: Conquest
RLFE = Star Wars: The Clone Wars
RLFP = Star Wars: The Clone Wars Lightsaber Duel
RSTE = Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
RSTP = Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
R3AE = Story Hour: Adventures
R4FE = Story Hour: Fairy Tales
RD9J = Sudoku
RUMP = Summer Athletics
RSUE = Summer Sports Paradise Island
RF4P = Super Fruit Fall
RMGE = Super Mario Galaxy
RMGJ = Super Mario Galaxy
RMGP = Super Mario Galaxy
RMBJ = Super Mario Stadium: Family Baseball
RSMJ = Super Monkey Ball
RSME = Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz
RSMP = Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz
R8PE = Super Paper Mario
R8PJ = Super Paper Mario
R8PP = Super Paper Mario
RSBE = Super Smash Bros. Brawl
RSBP = Super Smash Bros. Brawl
R2PP = Super Swing Golf
RPYE = Super Swing Golf
RPYJ = Super Swing Golf
R2PE = Super Swing Golf Season 2
R2PJ = Super Swing Golf Season 2
RXUP = Surfs Up
RHHJ = Suzumiya Haruhi No Gekidou
R44J = Suzumiya Haruhi No Heiretsu
R4BP = Table Football
RT3P = Table Tennis
R2JJ = Taiko No Tatsujin Wii
RTZJ = Takarajima Z Barbaros’ Treasure
RT4E = Tales Of Symphonia Dawn of the New World
RT4J = Tales Of Symphonia: Ratatosk no Kishi
RTTJ = Tamagotchi No Pikapika Daitoryo
RDTE = Tamagotchi Party On!
RDTP = Tamagotchi Party On!
RGDE = Target: Terror
RGDP = Target: Terror
RF7E = Tatsunoko VS Capcom Cross Generation Of Heroes
RF7J = Tatsunoko VS Capcom Cross Generation Of Heroes
RTMP = Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
RBCP = Telly Addicts
RLEP = Ten Pin
RLEE = Ten Pin Alley: 2
RTNJ = Tenchu 4
RTNE = Tenchu Shadow Assassins
RTNP = Tenchu: Shadow Assassins
RI3E = The Ant Bully
RBGE = The Bigs
RBGP = The Bigs
RZRP = The Destiny Of Zorro
RDIE = The Dog Island
RDIJ = The Dog Island
RDIP = The Dog Island
RGFE = The Godfather Blackhand Edition
R5AE = The Golden Compass
R5AP = The Golden Compass
RGME = The Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy
RGMP = The Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy
RHDE = The House Of The Dead 2 & 3 Return
RHDJ = The House Of The Dead 2 & 3 Return
RHDP = The House Of The Dead 2 & 3 Return
RHOE = The House Of The Dead: Overkill
RIHP = The Incredible Hulk
RKFE = The King Of Fighters C. The Orochi Saga
R07E = The Legend Of Spyro: The Eternal Night
RO7P = The Legend Of Spyro: The Eternal Night
RZDE = The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess
RZDJ = The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess
RZDP = The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess
RTDE = The Monkey King
RTDP = The Monkey King
RM5P = The Mummy
RM5E = The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor
RRPE = The Price Is Right
RSNE = The Simpsons Game
RSNP = The Simpsons Game
R4PP = The Sims 2 Pets
R48E = The Spiderwick Chronicles
R48P = The Spiderwick Chronicles
RXRE = The Tale Of Despereaux
RGEJ = The World Of Golden Eggs Norinori Rhythm
RTVE = Thrillville: Off The Rails
RTVP = Thrillville: Off The Rails
RT7E = Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07
RT7P = Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07
RT8E = Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08
RT8P = Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08
R9TE = Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09
R9TP = Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09
RTWE = TNA Impact
RH8P = Tomb Raider
RLRE = Tomb Raider: Anniversary
RLRJ = Tomb Raider: Anniversary
RLRP = Tomb Raider: Anniversary
RH8E = Tomb Raider: Underworld
RTHE = Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam
RTHP = Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam
RT9E = Tony Hawk’s Proving Ground
RT9P = Tony Hawk’s Proving Ground
R3TE = Top Spin 3
R3TP = Top Spin 3
RWHP = Top Trumps Doctor Who
RTSP = Totally Spies! Totally Party
RTFE = Transformers: The Game
RTFJ = Transformers: The Game
RTFP = Transformers: The Game
RK2E = Trauma Center: New Blood
RK2J = Trauma Center: New Blood
RK2P = Trauma Center: New Blood
RKDE = Trauma Center: Second Opinion
RKDJ = Trauma Center: Second Opinion
RKDP = Trauma Center: Second Opinion
RYQE = Trivial Pursuit
RYQP = Trivial Pursuit
RMZP = Trixie In Toyland
RXKE = TV Show King Party
RXKP = TV Show King Party
ROTP = Twin Strike
ROTE = Twin Strike: Operation Thunder
RULE = Ultimate Band
RULP = Ultimate Band
RUBE = Ultimate Board Game Collection
RUBP = Ultimate Board Game Collection
RS2E = Ultimate Duck Hunting
RS2P = Ultimate Duck Hunting
RUZE = Ultimate I Spy
RKAE = Ultimate Shooting Collection
RKAP = Ultimate Shooting Collection
RMXE = Untamed
RUXX = Urban Extreme Street Rage
R8SE = Vacation Sports
R8SP = Vacation Sports
RV0P = Vertigo
UNKN = Vertigo
RHIE = Victorious Boxers Revolution
RHIP = Victorious Boxers Revolution
RWRE = Wacky Races: Crash & Dash
RWRP = Wacky Races: Crash & Dash
RWAE = Wall-E
RWAJ = Wall-E
RWAP = Wall-E
RWLE = Wario Land: Shake It!
RWLP = Wario Land: The Shake Dimension
RODE = Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
RODJ = Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
RODP = Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
RCHE = We Cheer
RCHJ = We Cheer
RCHP = We Cheer
RWGE = We Love Golf
RWGP = We Love Golf
RWGJ = We Love Golf!
RUKP = We Rock Drum King
RSQE = We Ski
RYKE = We Ski & Snowboard
R55P = Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
RW5P = Who Wants To Be A Millionaire 2nd Gen
RE3P = Wii Aces
RTYP = Wii Chess
RFNE = Wii Fit
RFNJ = Wii Fit
RFNP = Wii Fit
RFNW = Wii Fit
R64E = Wii Music
R64J = Wii Music
R64P = Wii Music
RHAE = Wii Play
RHAP = Wii Play
RHAW = Wii Play
RSPE = Wii Sports
RSPJ = Wii Sports
RSPP = Wii Sports
RWDE = Wild Earth: African Safari
RWDP = Wild Earth: African Safari
RWIE = Wing Island
RWIJ = Wing Island
RWIP = Wing Island
RWEJ = Winning Eleven Play Maker 2008
RUPJ = Winning Post 7 Maximum 2008
RUCX = Winter Sports
RRUE = Winter Sports 2
RU2E = Winter Sports 2
RRUP = Winter Sports 2 The Next Challenge
RU2P = Winter Sports 2 The Next Challenge
RRUJ = Winter Sports 2009 The Next Challenge
RWZP = Wonder World Amusement Park
RWZX = Wonder World Amusement Park
RWJE = Wordjong Party
RWJP = Wordjong Party
RHLP = World Championship Poker: All In
RPKP = World Series Of Poker: Tournament Of Champions
RPKE = World Super Poker: Tournament Of Champions
RWME = Worms – A Space Oddity
RWMP = Worms – A Space Oddity
RWQP = WSC Real 08
RE3E = WWII Aces
RYXP = Yahama Supercross
RYXE = Yamaha Supercross
RYAJ = Yattaman Wii Bikkuridokkiri Machine De M
RYOJ = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s: Wheelie Breakers
RSZJ = Yukinko Daisenpuu
RTZE = Zack & Wiki: Quest For Barbaros’ Treasure
RTZP = Zack & Wiki: Quest For Barbaros’ Treasure
RDEJ = Zenkoku Dekotora Matsuri
RZHE = Zoo Hospital
RZHP = Zoo Hospital